Do you do enough of this in your marketing… 
I’m referring to you showing what the “crowd” is doing?  
I borrow here from my book The Influential Marketer entry #122 ( )
You see us humans are herd creatures. 
What this means is…
We follow the crowd. 
We feel “safe” amongst similar people.  
We are more likely to do something if we see people like us doing it…
And having success doing it.
Which brings me to the wheelie bins.
Put the bins out night for us folk in Wurtulla is Monday… the trucks arrive from 6am Tuesday morning. 
I can never remember if it’s recycling day or green waste day. You too?
Thing is… 

I NEVER miss a day or get it wrong, ever. 
The secret?
I see what my neighbours are doing and match my bins accordingly. 
And there’s the lesson… 
I follow the crowd. 
Is there enough evidence in your marketing of “the crowd in action”… aka others having success with whatever product or service you sell? 
Photos. Testimonials Case studies. As seen in. And on it goes. 
The more evidence you present, the “safer” it is for others to follow the crowd aka buy from you. 
Here’s an example I would use in promoting my book: 
Received this testimonial from David Wilkins, a Brisbane-based business owner in the professional services niche, after he started reading his “lesson per page per day” copy of The Influential Marketer:
“It’s fantastic. Thick, solid and full of great info. But I have to say. I won’t be reading one page a day. That won’t happen. I am not going to wait 12 months for all this good stuff. I’ll be reading it all as much as I can every day. I’ll mark it up with my highlighter then I’ll read it all again. Then it will be my reference. Great job.  Well done.” – David Wilkins, Brisbane

Not new I know, but a timely reminder. 

Let’s take this concept of what the crowd is doing a step further. 

One way to boost sales in any business is to make more offers. 

A good offer usually has a reason why you present a good offer. 

Again, we can borrow from the crowd… 

Do you make offers around… 


Black Friday? 

New Year’s?

Valentine’s Day?



And more. If you’re not, then here’s a reminder to get your thinking caps on. 

Plus you can have a bit of fun with it… make offers around 

Your birthday.

Partner’s birthday.

Dog’s birthday. 

International Talk Like a Pirate Day. 

And on it goes. 

More offers with a congruent reason why (the crowd’s doing it) can easily add to your bottom line. 

From a copy perspective, the reason why or tie in is pretty simple… 

Some version of… 

To celebrate <insert special day/reason why> we’re offering our signature <product/service> at special price where you get <insert details>. 

More offers = more sales. 

It’s like the wheelie bins… us humans are herd creatures… we tend to follow the crowd.

Do you leverage this principle enough?
All for now… I’m off to bring the bins in… and I “know” they’re empty… I just followed the crowd…  

PS Want some more copywriting/marketing support? Grab your copy of The Influential Marketer at: If outside Australia visit,