Today, “woo woo” meets business. 
And it could be a benefit to you and how you run things, so I invite you to suspend – for a few moments at least – any creeping scepticism. 
To be transparent… 

As well as copywriting and marketing for businesses around the country, part of my personal and business growth involves a lot of personal development and spiritual work. And like I said, today is an example of where “woo woo” meets business. 
Let’s get stuck in… 

Over the weekend I came across a reel that had a reminder about pain in the body… 
It explained how that ache, that aliment is so often a sign of where things are out of balance in our lives. 
For example the late Louise Hay wrote a bestselling book on the subject (You Can Heal Your Life) that linked issues in the body to issues in our life.
** If you have lung issues, there’s a good chance you have unresolved grief going on in your life
** If it’s a shoulder issue, good chance you feel burdened by life
** If it’s knees, good chance there’s a lack of flexibility in your life 
To name just a few. 
The premise of the reel I saw and the book is…

Physical pain = a place to look at the emotions and issues in your life. 
How does that relate even remotely to business?

Glad you asked… 
Because for me it’s the same principle… 
If business things are painful for you, your staff, or even your customers… that pain is where to look for a solution. 
It might be small like needing new software. 
It might be bigger like addressing Doris, who’s been with the company since the turn of the century, and her dwindling output.
To be clear, if you’re successful in business you’re used to solving problems, everyday. Not suggesting otherwise. 
But I raise this today as a reminder, to have a closer look…
Is there “pain” or “friction” in your operations… because like anything to do with our bodies, pain/problems in business rarely get better by ignoring it. 
Or, here’s another twist… 
As the famed psychologist Carl Jung said… 
“Where your fears are, there is your task”. 
Is there an ache, a friction, or a fear going on in your business you’ve not addressed?
Maybe you needed to hear this today as you get stuck into your work this week.


PS If you’d like some help to address your marketing “pain” a reminder to order your copy of my new book The Influential Marketer... its easy to consume “page a day” format is ideal for the busy business owner… you get “366 Crackin’ Copywriting, Marketing & Mindset Ideas to Skyrocket Your Results” – not a bad ROI for a book! More info here: If outside Australia visit