Who Do You Trust in Today’s “Guru Rich” Landscape?
But…As with many things in nature there is a “yin”to the “yang”.
Today more than any other time in history, the world is replete with experts and gurus. It seems you only have to pick up a book, read a few chapters and hey presto, “expert”status is self-proclaimed on Social Media…and accepted by the masses.
To use an analogy, would you accept a dentist working on your teeth who’s only ever read a book or two, attended a seminar and posted something clever on Facebook? Which is why you have to choose carefully who works with you on your marketing.
Status is easy to proclaim…longevity and experience is hard won and concrete.
What’s the difference? You be the judge. I have:
- Written commercially since the mid 90s
- Have coached people of all ages for 35+ years
- Created training programs, run live online training courses and promoted and led live multi-day training workshops attended by people from all over Australia and New Zealand
- Coached up and coming writers to create their own career success
- Written arguably more direct marketing “Shock and Awe” packs than anyone else in the country, and taught others to do the same<
- Spoken on some of the biggest stages right around country
- Spent literally 10s of 1000s of dollars on my own education (and continue to do so), including traveling to the US to learn from the very best in the business
- Consulted to and written for dozens of industries from IT consultants to small businesses In cleaning, construction, real estate, aged care, professional services and even corporate companies
- Write for myself and clients every week so am at the cutting edge of what’s working now
Real companies. Real people. Real results…created over time.
Who’s Steve Been “Hanging Out” With?
Just some of the big names I’ve either shared the stage with or learnt directly from or worked with…

With Russel Brunson on the Gold Coast

With Frank Kern in Chicago

With Paul Dunn in Melbourne

With John Carlton in Chicago

With Greg Renker in Standford, Connecticut

With Tim Shaw in Sydney

With Armand Morin, Michael Cage & others introducing ourselves to the pack room in Sydney

With David Deutsch in Nashville, Tennessee

With Joe Sugarman in Standford, Connecticut

With Mark Bouris in Sydney

With Ali Brown in Nashville, Tennessee

With Dan Kennedy in Cleveland, Ohio

With Gay Bencivenga in Standford, Connecticut

With my first ever copywriting mentor, Ted Nicholas on the Gold Coast

With Margaret Court in Perth

With Yanik Silver in Nashville, Tennessee

With Joe Sugarman in Standford, Connecticut

With Rich Schefren in Nashville, Tennessee

With Joe Sugarman in Standford, Connecticut

With World Kickboxing Champion Ian Jacobs in Brisbane

With Joe Polish in Standford, Connecticut

With Lorrie Morgan on the Gold Coast

At the back of the room putting the finishing touches on my presentation to 200+ business owners on the day Australia’s Millionaire Maker Mal Emery dubbed me the “King of Copy”in this country and the hastily made “crown”some clients made for me!
Live trainings and seminars

Want a to speak with a genuine, results driven marketing consultant whose work has stood the test of time?
Find out more…
Can we add great value to your business? Is there “symmetry” to us working together? Right now, neither of us knows for sure so here’s the easy first step…
Complimentary, No Obligation 30-Minute
Marketing Calibration Call
with Symmetry Marketing Founder, Steve Plummer
(valued at $250.00)
We’ll discuss in confidence where you are “at” right now, where you’d like to be in the next 12 months and the possibilities of what that might look like moving forward and more!