You’re invited to

Copywriters Escape Room

Steve plummer presents

Copywriters Escape Room

Copywriters Escape Room

I want to have a quick conversation with you about something dear to your heart… your writing career.

More specifically, how, without taking out a second mortgage, you can gain new skills and confidence, no matter what business you run, so you make more money and enjoy your work more.

As a commercial writer who has easily made 6 figures from the comfort of home each and every year for more than a decade, it’s fair to say I’ve picked up a thing or two – big understatement – which, if applied, will help your career.

And so I created what I’ve called “Copywriters’ Escape Room”, a weekly live gathering for 45-minutes where you get to ask your most pressing questions and get honest, from the trenches answers.

It’s an affordable way to end your isolated “lone wolf” existence.

Plus I’ll share the tips, tricks and tactics that have enabled me to enjoy the “writer’s life” so many only ever dream about.

To learn more about Copywriters Escape Room, complete your details on this page:

And yes, it really IS very affordable 

Facilitated by me, you’ll join other “players” who want to “escape” the hamster wheel of low fees, few clients and uncertainty.

And it won’t cost an arm and a leg. But you will be required, based on fair exchange of value, to commit time and money.

If you’re flaky, can’t commit or are the sort of person who only shows up every so often, save yourself time, don’t join.

The group is small – less than 10 – so everyone gets a fair crack. Plus, you get access to a Telegram group for sharing or asking urgent questions… and get out of the house without leaving home.

If this sounds like the kind of support and accountability you’ve been looking for, click here to contact me

It’s about your writing and business career.

About Copywriters’ Escape Room Creator

Steve Plummer

Marketing Strategist, Marketing
Coach, Sales Language Expert, Speaker

Steve is a master in the art of marketing strategy and sales language. He has consulted to and written promotions for just about every type of business from start-ups to major national speaker tours and even the corporate world where an ASX listed top 200 company retained his services for more than 18 months.

He has devised strategy and written copy that has produced sales in the 10s of millions of dollars.

Some recent examples include:

  • A promotion for a Perth-based real estate company which sold $5 million + worth of properties via a webinar
  • The first sale for a Coffs Harbour start-up company in the ultra-competitive renewable energy space which landed them a $150,000 deal
  • Copy to fill a webinar for an international speaker which totalled 5,000+ registrants, believed to be a record in this space
  • Tripled the number of leads for a Gold Coast decking company thanks to a re-crafted sales message and follow up funnel
  • A sales letter for a state-based RSPCA (animal welfare organization) which raised over $125,000 in just two weeks to a list considered “tapped out”)

He regularly runs training courses teaching the discipline of marketing and the art of sales language aka copywriting.

A former high school Head of Faculty and Deputy Principal, Steve is widely regarded as a gifted and intuitive teacher who loves nothing more than mentoring others – from the stage, in small groups, or live online – to bring out their brilliance and genius. He also regularly runs training courses teaching the art of sales language.

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